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Scenic mobile toilets factory introduction post is much function

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Scenic mobile toilets factory introduction post is much function

Date:2016-03-03 00:00 Source:http://www.dlpuxiang.com Click:

Scenic mobile toilets factory introduction post is much function

  In the yard management, booth often also known as toll stop, parking management personnel to collect parking fees in the workplace, the internal configuration charge computer charging platform. If it is purely the sentry stopped, configuration monitoring platform, integration of wisdom Pavilion IH310 is configured monitoring platform, charging platform integration booth.



1 the main frame is made of high quality stainless steel with high strength and anti wind pressure, which is made of 45*75*1.2 high quality stainless steel.

2 the power supply part adopts modular centralized management, wiring beautiful, reasonable, safe, convenient maintenance, economic benefits.

Booth color using a variety of collocation methods, according to the actual usage and building style personalized choice corresponding facilities.

3 the design of the drainage structure, no eaves dripping, rainy and convenient access.

4 push and pull the door open, push and pull the left and right, easy to use, simple operation.

5 sealing and sound insulation performance is good, summer heat insulation, winter heat preservation, energy saving and environmental protection.

6. The match is flexible, booth in various configurations such as lighting lamp and a power supply socket, electric control box and wood computer desk, fan and so on readily available, meet the needs of all kinds of function and configuration charging system, to meet a variety of needs.

7 reasonable design makes the field of vision is quite open.

8 the use of advanced argon arc welding technology and special waterproof technology, to overcome the shortcomings of poor waterproof performance of ordinary products.

9 surface with high strength 0.1 sand stainless steel, to prevent products rust, prolong service life.

Wall decoration with Polyflor in 10, the fireproof aluminum ceiling, floor adopts advanced rubber.

 With the continuous development of society and economy, continue to push forward the process of urbanization; booth as a product of a in the process of urbanization, in the society and life gradually plays a more and more important role. Plays an important role in the maintenance of social order and combing the social order, the sentry box convenient makes greatly reduce the labor cost, but also improve the work efficiency. Science and technology developed today in the booth of the industry also is not backward, various hardware and software have been continuously updating, also installed door forbidden system, making booth more and more like a multifunctional office space, as long as the external power supply line and the network line, this wisdom Pavilion can complete the parking charges, real-time video monitoring work.


     Booth application scope is quite widespread, such as property, highway, building, square and security on duty, entrance, institutions, staff restaurants, parks, sports venues, hospitals, railway stations waiting hall, streets, municipal, police on duty, traffic police command, toll roads, parking entrance, stadiums and outlet, charges, wharf, residential, hotels, public security post project and various public places and so on.

Scenic mobile toilets

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