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Mobile toilet

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Mobile toilet

  • Category:Preservative wood moving toilet

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  • Release date:2016/06/27
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Compared to the external wall of mobile toilets have carved panels, wood preservative, aluminum plate and other various materials, optional, and the traditional toilet, more beautiful! And can be reused, saving resources, environmental protection and low carbon. All kinds of outdoor large-scale occasions, such as exhibitions, concerts, sports events, scenic spots, parks, municipal public environment, highways, etc. can be used. Mobile toilets in the construction of great saves the manpower, material and financial resources, traditional toilet construction often need to through site selection, purchase materials, construction, completed and put into practical use and so on, and mobile toilet manufacturer was finished, installed directly can be used. Mobile toilet covers a small area, the location is easy, can be based on urban planning to change the location of the place. Mop the bedpan, about three foot lots. If the toilet is placed in the floor system, often need to change the water. With a red cloth cleaning agent, twist dry, outside the bedpan, water box, water pipes and water and then wipe clean. Many used toilet intelligent people know, smart toilet area is not very big, which only a white ceramic sit toilet, next to the phone automatically washing, its shape design is very simple, the overall decoration not luxurious but the very texture.

Mobile toilet

Related Tags: Preservativewoodmovingtoilet,Mobiletoilet价格,Mobiletoilet批发

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